all in one place

Connect, Process, Augment and Control.
All in One technology.


Real-time visibility and AI-powered solutions for enhanced capacity and performance in the energy sector

  • Effortlessly connect, process, and structure data from any data source
  • Enable hardware-agnostic integrations
  • Implement bidirectional connectivity with any device, API, or protocol (like DNP3, Modbus, and IEC61850), ensuring seamless data integration and remote control capabilities
  • Data integration with various sources, including SCADA systems, IoT sensors, EMS, and weather and market data, provides a panoramic view of the grid's health and performance
Asset Management
  • Establish a digital twin framework representing physical and electrical assets within the energy network
  • Each asset is enriched with real-time data attributes sourced through multiple connectors, providing a detailed and up-to-date digital representation
Algorithms and Control
  • Execute controls autonomously, enabling real-time decision-making
  • Increase energy injection into the current transmission infrastructure through visibility, predictable analytics, and automation
  • Run predictive maintenance, reducing operational downtimes, streamlining processes, and elevating efficiency
  • The AI component adapts and evolves for enhanced decision-making accuracy, leveraging sophisticated analytics and prediction methods
  • Streamlined monitoring systems with real-time custom dashboards for various energy systems
  • Advanced alerting mechanisms that trigger notifications based on specific conditions or anomalies
  • Run predictive maintenance to prevent equipment failures and reduce downtime
  • Integrate insights and alerts with existing enterprise systems for unified management
OR CREATE AI-powered

Discover an ever-growing hub of AI-powered, remote controls and automations in your grid. With Splight, teams can deploy or personalize pre-existing solutions or create their own.


Activate AI to
expand grid capacity
with existing hardware

Sign up for a personalized demo of Splight today!